Fourth Form
This year, most importantly, you will start to prepare for GCSEs. You need to approach your options carefully as these could impact on your choices for A Level and ultimately could affect your prospects moving into Higher Education or a career.
Outline Careers Programme: Fourth Form
The aim for the pupils in this year group is to start to identify their own skills and abilities and to think about careers in general
- Access impartial careers information and advice via the Careers Library and the school’s VLE
- Increase knowledge of careers through the Lessons for Life programme
- Consider the importance of setting targets, understand different types of goals and identify personal targets
- Optional one-to-one interviews - for pupils seeking advice on any careers related issues.
By the end of this year pupils should:
- See the potential relationship between the options they have chosen to study at GCSE and certain subjects at A Level and beyond
- Write a covering letter, CV and understand what might be required in a Personal Statement
- Understand personal finances
- Recognise what qualities, attitudes and skills are required to enter the employment market.